All ads link directly to your website.
We will design your banners at no additional cost. You provide the logo.
Online Rates
1. The Billboard
$199/month(3 mo.)
$189/month(6 mo.)
$179/month(12 mo.)

2. Sky Box
$139/month(3 mo.)
$129/month(6 mo.)
$119/month(12 mo.)

3. Features Companion
$129/month(3 mo.)
$119/month(6 mo.)
$109/month(12 mo.)

4. Display Graphic Web Link

5. Rotating Banners
10 Available
(5 each banner)

6. Full Run Web Package
-a graphic link on all pages of the website INCLUDING the homepage. Thats over 750 pages!
- one year minimum
7. Digital Leader Full Page Ad
$3600 for whole year
-full page ad opposite the front cover of the digital edition
- ad links to advertiser's website
- page opposite back cover is also available